View Proposal

Marta Vallejo
Assessing the effect of medication in Parkinson’s Disease with a single wearable sensor
The successful completion of the project will permit, for the first time, to predict and assess the effect of dose, frequency and time from intake of anti-parkinsonian medication on ecologically valid gait symptoms with a novel and data-driven approach. Overall, the proposal will better characterise the effect of anti-parkinsonian medication in the disease, which in turn, will likely improve the clinical management of PD.
Assessing the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and their changes under medication effect is essential to design effective symptomatic treatments and putative disease-modifying agents. Real-world monitoring of gait reflects ecologically valid motor fluctuations over minutes and days. However, this has not yet been implemented to predict and assess symptomatic treatments in PD. Thus, this project globally aims to develop objective, cost-effective, valid and novel methods for real-world gait assessment in PD with a single wearable sensor. Particularly, it focuses on predicting and assessing the effect of anti-parkinsonian medication (dose, frequency and time from intake) on gait patterns. The methodological novelty resides in the calculation of gait characteristics (spatiotemporal, signal-processing-based, based on stochastic analyses, etc.) with a data-driven approach. This project will be carried out in collaboration with Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU), USA, and will be primarily supervised by Dr. Encarna Micó Amigo and Dr. Marta Vallejo.
Data already available (collected at OHSU) will be analysed for this project.
A successful candidate is expected to present foundation skills in computer programming (MATLAB or/and Python) and machine learning.
Difficulty Level
Ethical Approval
Number Of Students
Marta Vallejo
machine learning, deep learning, sensor data
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Master of Engineering in Software Engineering
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence with SMI
Master of Science in Computing (2 Years)
Master of Science in Data Science
Master of Science in Human Robot Interaction
Master of Science in Robotics
Master of Science in Software Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computing Science
Bachelor of Engineering in Robotics
Bachelor of Science in Statistical Data Science