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Radu-Casian Mihailescu
Enhancing LLM reasoning by integrating formal planners and theorem provers
On the one hand, LLMs are currently the state-of-the-art method in terms understanding and generating natural language, however they are inherently limited for tasks that require rigorous formal reasoning or planning. On the other hand, tools such as theorem provers and formal planners are specialised in handling precise logical operations or sequential decision-making based on formal rules. The scope of this project is to combine the strength of both approaches into a hybrid model that brings together LLMs with formal reasoning tools. The proposed approach will be evaluated in the context of complex problem-solving tasks.
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Ethical Approval
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Radu-Casian Mihailescu
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Software Development for Business (GA)
Master of Engineering in Software Engineering
Master of Design in Games Design and Development
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence with SMI
Master of Science in Business Information Management
Master of Science in Computer Science for Cyber Security
Master of Science in Computer Systems Management
Master of Science in Computing (2 Years)
Master of Science in Data Science
Master of Science in Human Robot Interaction
Master of Science in Information Technology (Business)
Master of Science in Information Technology (Software Systems)
Master of Science in Network Security
Master of Science in Robotics
Master of Science in Software Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computing Science
Bachelor of Engineering in Robotics
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Cyber Security)
Master of Science in Robotics with Industrial Application
Postgraduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence
Bachelor of Science in Statistical Data Science