View Proposal

Patricia Vargas
Federated Learning for Social Robots performing Activity Recognition in Ambient Assisted Living environments.
To use Federated Learning for Social Robots to perform Activity Recognition in Ambient Assisted Living environments
In the context of assistive technologies for the elderly or people with disabilities, intelligent environments have been designed to empower this public with more autonomy in daily activities. To this aim, sensors and actuators embedded in the environment or in social robots might be orchestrated to produce helpful behaviours. In any case, deploying this type of technology requires that the system identifies the state of the environment and the users. This understanding can be achieved through activity recognition methods, many of which are presented in the literature with good results in several applications. However, these methods usually require data from several users to be concentrated in a centralised computational base to train machine learning models. This requirement, especially considering modalities such as videos or audio, raises ethical and legal concerns regarding data privacy. In this work, we propose to train the models locally for each participant using a Federated Learning approach to induce models based on public datasets such as the HWU-USP dataset. This approach preserves privacy because it does not require that the data is transferred out of the user’s environment, only partially trained models. Metrics such as time elapsed and accuracy will be evaluated.
Python, Machine learning basics, at least one machine learning framework.
Deep learning, Federated learning, Activity recognition, Ambient assisted living
Difficulty Level
Ethical Approval
Number Of Students
Patricia Vargas
python, machine learning basics, at least one machine learning framework
Master of Science in Robotics