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Hans Wolfgang Loidl
Parallel programming on the Xeon Phi Many-core Coprocessor
Evaluate performance of some parallel benchmarks on the Xeon Phi
The new Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor is an accelerator card that promises to boost the performance of the host machine by offloading parallel code to a 61-core processor. It brings affordable many-core technology to standard desktop machines, and claims to be easier to program than other accelerators such GPGPUs. The goal of this project is to use a set of common parallel benchmark programs, to run them both on the Xeon Phi and on a departmental many-core server, in order to compare performance on both architectures. In a second phase, a simple parallel program should be developed from scratch, using the Xeon Phi's tool support, in order to assess programability of this new architecture.
Intel Xeon Phi and a multi-core server, both available in the de
Solid knowledge of C programming, general background on parallel
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Hans Wolfgang Loidl
parallel computing
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
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Master of Science in Computer Systems Management
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Master of Science in Software Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computing Science